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Jackson-Frazier Wetland Long Term Restoration Project

The Jackson-Frazier Wetland Long-Term Restoration Project Phase 2 is underway.  Thanks to funding from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB), and partner support from US Fish & Wildlife Service, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Greenbelt Land Trust, and City of Corvallis- Parks & Recreation.  Mowing of the site to reduce woody brush from Rose, and invasive Reed Canary Grass, reduction of encroaching Ash trees, and selective herbicide treatments to eliminate noxious weed growth occurred through Summer-Fall 2018.  During 2019 Benton County will lead discing of the site to reduce woody brush and nonnative grass, in addition to continued mowing and selective herbicide applications of noxious weeds.


Starting January 2017, the Benton County Natural Areas & Parks Advisory Board recommended that staff begin the recommended Phase 1: Jackson-Frazier Long Term Habitat Restoration Project.

The Phase 1 plan was developed by the technical team of Willamette Valley wetland scientists, managers, and consultants.  The Phase 1 report completed in October 2017, provides solutions for major impacts to a large and significant wetland resource that were first documented by the State of Oregon 32 years ago- prior to county protection and stewardship.

During November 2017, community outreach on the proposed plan will be completed in addition to staff work to gain grant funding for Phase 2 implementation of the Phase 1 plan.

A community meeting occurred on January 18th, 2018, to share and learn about the Long-Term Restoration Project.  An interactive Community Open House at the Cheldelin Middle School, helped participants learn about the restoration work and provide ideas.

Download the full Phase 1 Report & Executive Summary in the document links below.

Phase 2 of Jackson-Frazier Wetland Long Term Restoration project began in November 2017, with development of a proposal to the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Restoration Grant Program.  

Since successful awarding of the OWEB Wetland Restoration Grant, significant restoration work has occurred including:

  • Mowing of site to reduce invasive vegetation and prep the area for discing and future planting.
  • Expansion of rare wetland prairie through removal of hardwoods and encroaching shrubs.
  • Select herbicide treatments, post-mowing of invasive Reed Canary Grass to eliminate regrowth and prep the site for future seeding and plantings.
  • Discing and rolling of site in partnership with Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife and US Fish & Wildlife Service to eliminate prior property owner ditching and berm impacts and prep site for future vegetation enhancement.

Starting Summer 2020 thru Fall 2020

Starting this August, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will provide scrapers, or large soil moving dump trucks, to re-contour the 50 acres where restoration work has been occurring.  The scrapers will be taking out the prior property owner constructed berm, smoothing over the ruts and removing the excess soil to City of Corvallis property nearby where it can be reused.

These changes will be noticeable from the boardwalk and intermittent shutdowns for public safety will occur.  The natural wetland pools created this summer will be planted with native plant seed, bulbs, and plugs to restore and increase native wetland diversity.

Supporting Documents

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