HCP Projects
HCP Projects
Habitat Conservation Plan Highlights
The following projects highlight the diverse habitat conservation and restoration projects that we create and implement, to achieve the goals and requirements of the United States Fish & Wildlife Service approved Benton County Prairie Species Habitat Conservation Plan.
Fenders Blue Butterfly Prairie Conservation & Kincaid’s Lupine Mitigation Sites
- Annual Monitoring of butterfly populations by US Fish & Wildlife Service and partners.
- Since 2022, there has been significant habitat enhancement along with Kincaids Lupine, planting, and seeding led by Institute for Applied Ecology .
- Invasive vegetation control to increase native nectar and host plants including the threatened Kincaid’s Lupine.
- Increasing Kincaid’s Lupine population through seeding and transplanting to offset impacts from construction and public works impacts.

Beazell Memorial Forest Upland Prairies
- Controlled burning and vegetation control to increase native nectar and host plants for the endangered Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly.
- Annual monitoring of endangered butterfly populations that are only known to exist in Oregon within Benton County.
- Increasing native nectar and host species within the prairies to support endangered butterflies and hundreds of other species.
- Expanding prairie areas through removal of encroaching tree and shrub species.

Fitton Green Upland Prairies
- Controlled burning and vegetation control to increase native plants and animals.
- Support connecting park property habitat with private property habitat, for greater conservation and restoration of native species.
- Support work to introduce endangered species to determine success for conservation.
Fort Hoskins Upland Prairies
- Expanding prairie areas through removal of encroaching tree and shrub species.
- Recreating historic prairie landscape while providing for future native vegetation improvement.
- Controlled burning and vegetation control to increase native plants and animals.
Jackson Frazier Wetland Prairies
- Vegetation control to increase native plants and animals.
- Long-term wetland enhancement planning for future large scale site restoration projects.
- Reducing tree and shrub encroachment into priority prairie areas.
- Increasing population of threatened Nelson’s Checkermallow and endangered Bradshaw’s Lomatium.